
Last updated May 12, 2024.

This website uses cookies so that we can offer users the best and most relevant service when you visit Throwbacks.

Cookies help us give you a more personal experience when you visit Throwbacks. In addition, it allows us to improve our service and ensure that you can find what you need in a more intuitive way. Below you will find an explanation of what cookies are and what we use them for exactly.

Our use of cookies may lead to the processing of personal data, and we therefore recommend that you also read our Privacy Policy, which describes our processing of personal data and your individual rights.

What is cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your computer when you visit a website. In this text file, the website stores information that it wants to be able to read the next time you visit the page. It is often information that is used for statistics and analysis and is completely harmless.

Why do we use cookies?

Cookies help us provide, protect and improve the Throwbacks product, such as by personalising content, tailoring and measuring ads, and providing a safer experience. The cookies that we use include session cookies, which are deleted when you close your browser, and persistent cookies, which stay on your browser until they expire or you delete them. While the cookies that we use may change from time to time as we improve and update the Throwbacks product, we use them for the following purposes right now:

Google analytics
We also set cookies from the domain that work with the Google Analytics service to help us understand how the user is using and navigate on our site. These cookies have names such as _gat, _gid, _ga.

How to delete cookies?

You can choose to accept cookies or not, as well as the type of cookies you want to accept. You can delete cookies at any time. Some browsers allow you to view all stored cookies, or can be set to reject cookies automatically. In the links below you can find instructions on how to delete or block cookies in the most common browsers.




Windows Edge

Keep in mind that changes to your browser, such as disabling cookies, will prevent parts of the site from working properly.

Changes in our cookie policy

We amend these cookie policy from time to time. If we update the functionality of our services or general regulatory changes. We will always update the "Last updated" date at the top of the site, which reflect the effective date.

Contact us

Any questions, comments and inquiries regarding this cookie policy should be sent to email [email protected]